log-likelihood ratio (LLR)

发布时间:2016-06-29  栏目:自然语言处理  评论:0 Comments

The ratio of two likelihood functions.

In statistics, a likelihood ratio test is a statistical test used to compare the goodness of fit of two models, one of which (the null model) is a special case of the other (the alternative model). The test is based on the likelihood ratio, which expresses how many times more likely the data are under one model than the other. This likelihood ratio, or equivalently its logarithm, can then be used to compute a p-value, or compared to a critical value to decide whether to reject the null model in favour of the alternative model. When the logarithm of the likelihood ratio is used, the statistic is known as a log-likelihood ratio statistic, and the probability distribution of this test statistic, assuming that the null model is true, can be approximated using Wilks’ theorem.

In the case of distinguishing between two models, each of which has no unknown parameters, use of the likelihood ratio test can be justified by the Neyman–Pearson lemma, which demonstrates that such a test has the highest power among all competitors.


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杨文龙,微软Principal Engineering Manager, 曾在各家公司担任影像技术资深总监、数据科学团队资深经理、ADAS算法总监、资深深度学习工程师等职位,热爱创新发明,专注于人工智能、深度学习、图像处理、机器学习、算法、自然语言处理及软件等领域,目前发明有国际专利19篇,中国专利28篇。




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