
发布时间:2021-05-18  栏目:软技能  评论:0 Comments

How to Deliver a Good Sales Pitch

Pitching an idea and selling it effectively can be a daunting and challenging task. Where do you start, how do you approach the prospect and what is the first thing you say? By knowing your audience, carefully crafting a pitch, and delivering the pitch confidently, you can make a successful sale and build a healthy relationship with your customers.


Part 1 第一部分Knowing your Audience 知己知彼,百战不殆

1. Research your audience. 调研你的客户

Make sure you know as much as possible about the company and individual who will be hearing your sales pitch.[1] Look up your potential customers’ profiles on LinkedIn, and read through the company’s website.


  • Find out what the business’ specific needs are and how they relate to your product or service. What will they gain by working with you?


2. Pitch to the right person选对人

The person who can decide about using your product or service is the person who should hear your pitch. Find out who makes decisions about buying inventory or using services in the company.


3. Make an appointment with your customer. 和客户预约时间

Once you’ve identified the most appropriate person to listen to your pitch, schedule an appointment with them. Find out when it is most convenient for them.


· Be sure to consider the amount of lead time they might need in order to stock your product, or when they will most need your services. For example, if you are selling a holiday-related item, you shouldn’t wait until the beginning of December to deliver your sales pitch.


4. Know how much time you’ve got for the pitch.了解你有多少时间去推销

Once you’ve gotten your appointment with the customer, confirm how much time is scheduled with them. Suggest at least 30 minutes for the appointment. Your pitch won’t last the full time; you need to leave time for discussion afterward.


Part 1 Quiz 第一小节小测试

Who should you make your sales pitch to?


A. The head of the company. 公司的头头。

B. The person who makes decisions about whatever product or service you’re selling. 能决定买你产品或服务的那个人。

C. The person you contact first in the office. 他们公司中你第一次联系到的人。

D. The person in the company who seems most likely to buy your product or service. 他们公司中看起来对你产品或服务最感兴趣的人。P

Part 2 第二部分 Crafting your Pitch 制作推销方案

1. Know your product or service well. 熟知自己的产品和服务

Before you even start crafting your pitch, make sure you know all the facets of your product or service and how it can be useful to a range of customers. What are the common problems that your product encounters, and how do you resolve these problems?


2. Avoid giving a canned pitch.避免填鸭式推销

A canned pitch is one that is generic and does not take into account the customer. Instead, make your presentation unique and tailored to your audience.


3. Tell a story with your pitch. 讲好你自己的故事

Tell an anecdote or personal story about your product or service. Use this as a hook to appeal to your customer’s emotion.


4. Use simple language. 使用简洁白勺的语言

Strive to be clear and easy to understand. Take out jargon from your presentation, unless it’s standard in your industry to use certain terminology. Don’t assume that your buyer will automatically know what you’re talking about, so using simple language is best.


5. Keep it short. 简言之。

Be able to get the most important points across in the first minute. After this point, buyers might start to lose interest if they have already decided against your product. Your pitch will likely last much longer than 60 seconds. Hopefully you have at least 15-30 minutes, depending on the type of product or service; spend much of your time building a conversation. But make sure you build in the most important points immediately. These include:

l The name of your company (or your name if you are working as an individual)

l The products or services you provide

l The “What’s In It For Me” aspect: tell your buyer what they will gain by buying your product.


l 你公司的名字(或者你自己的名字(你为自己打工的话))

l 你提供的产品或者服务项目

l “我能得到什么好处”方面:告诉你的买家买你的产品他们能得到什么利益

6. Describe how your customer will benefit. 讲述你的客户怎样从你这儿获益

This is one of the key factors in a good sales pitch. Your customer isn’t always interested in how many awards your product has won, or how many stores you have merchandise at. They want to know how your product or service will improve their business and make their life easier.


7. Differentiate yourself from your competitor. 与你的竞争者区别开来

Describe how your product or service is different from others who offer similar products. Focus on how your product is unique or how you give personalized service.


8. Treat your pitch as a conversation. 把此次推销看作一场对话

An important feature of the pitch is to have two-way communication with your audience. You might already know their needs, since you’ve done your research. But you should give them an opportunity to tell their story and to describe what makes their situation unique.[3]

l If you don’t feel comfortable yet trying to involve your audience throughout your pitch, plan for a question-and-answer session after your pitch. This will give them a chance to ask questions and get more information.[4]


l 如果你觉得在整个推销过程中客户的参与度有待提高,那么在你讲完时可以设计一个问答环节。这可以让他们以提问的方式来获取更多的信息。

9. Prepare answers to objections. 做好准备,应对拒绝

Your customer may find reasons to decline your sales pitch. Be prepared with answers to these objections. Make a list of the top 10 reasons why someone might say they don’t need or want your product. Craft responses to each of these.[5]


10. Use visual aids carefully. 使用可视化辅助,须谨慎

Some people find visual aids, such as PowerPoint slides, useful in staying on track with a presentation and demonstrating or visualizing certain aspects of a product’s benefits or features. Visual aids can be distracting, however, especially to you. You might start to turn your focus to just reading through the slides instead of conversing with your audience.[6]


11.Demonstrate your product. 演示你的产品

If you have a product that can be demonstrated, such as how sharp knives can cut through rope or stain remover can eliminate ink stains, incorporate this demonstration into your pitch. 如果你的产品可以展示出来,例如切断绳子的刀具是如何锋利,去污剂是如何去除墨水渍迹的,那么一定要将这些演示贯穿在你的推销中,应该会得到事半功倍的效果喔。

12. Refine your pitch. 精炼你的推销词

Once you’ve written down your pitch, find ways to cut down words, clarify meanings, and make your wording more dynamic. Eliminate parts that don’t apply to the particular customer you’re going after.


Part 2 Quiz 第二小节小测

How should you start your pitch? 如何展开你的推销?

A.Briefly explaining your product or service. 简要描述你的产品或服务。

B. Tell a story about yourself to connect with the potential buyer.


C. Tell a story about how your product or service has benefited someone.


D.Explain why their company needs your product or service.


Part 3 Preparing to Deliver your Pitch 第三部分

1. Rehearse your pitch. 预演推销

Practice delivering your pitch to a colleague or friend. Ask them what makes sense and what doesn’t make sense. Run through a revised version of your pitch with them to see how it has been improved. 预演推销给你的同学或者朋友。询问他们哪些地方合理,哪些不合理。和他们一起重整你的推销使其改善。

2. Confirm the time and location. 确认好时间和地点

One or two days before your pitch, email or call your customer to confirm your appointment. Make sure they still have the time to devote to hearing the pitch.

· Also confirm who will be attending the pitch. Will the company’s CEO be there? Will someone from another division of the company be attending?


· 也要确认好出席推销会的嘉宾都有谁。他们公司的首席执行官会不会到场?他们公司其他部门的人员会不会出席?

3. Get a good night’s sleep before the pitch. 推销会前夜,好好睡一觉喔

You might be nervous going into your meeting, but getting a good night’s sleep will ensure that you are operating with maximum energy and focus.


4. Dress professionally. 正式着装

Present a professional image to your customer. Your physical appearance will assure them that you are responsible and will deliver a product or service on time. A business suit is most appropriate.

· Consider the norms of the industry that you’re presenting to, not your own. If you normally work outside and get dirty, but you are presenting to someone who works in an office, dress as you would for the office environment.


· Consider the norms of the industry that you’re presenting to, not your own. If you normally work outside and get dirty, but you are presenting to someone who works in an office, dress as you would for the office environment.


5. Arrive early. 要早到。

Leave early and give yourself plenty of time to get to the location where you will deliver your sales pitch. This will give you a chance to check your appearance, get a drink of water, and calm your nerves before going into a meeting.


Part 3 Quiz 第三部分小测

When should you double-check the time and location of your pitch?


A. An hour before. 一小时前

B. A day or two before. 一两天前

C. A week before. 一周前

D. You don’t need to double-check if both of you wrote the time and location in your calendars 因为你们已经约好了时间和地点,没有必要再次确认了。

Part 4 Delivering your Pitch 第四部分开始你的表演吧!

1. Break the ice.破冰

Introduce yourself and give everyone in the room a chance to do so, too


2. Don’t show nervousness. 紧张么?不要显现出来喔!

Delivering a pitch can be a nerve-wracking experience, especially if it’s the first time you’re doing it, or it’s a really important contract. But you want to project confidence, so make sure to breathe deeply and take your time.


3. Demonstrate positive body language. 展示积极的肢体语言

Have good posture and try to minimize any nervous fidgeting. Stay as relaxed as possible. Speak with enthusiasm and authority, but with a friendly manner.


4. Maintain eye contact. 保持 眼神交流,很重要喔!

You can keep someone’s attention better if you maintain eye contact with them. This will also make them feel like you are really focusing on them and their reaction to what you’re saying. Keep friendly eye contact throughout your conversation with your customer.


5. Proceed at an appropriate pace. 宣讲速度适中

Check in with your customer during the presentation. Don’t just deliver your pitch and pack up. Be ready to listen to your customer as you proceed, stopping to answer questions.在演讲的时候一定要跟你的客户确认好一切可能出现问题。不要仅是简单的宣讲完然后打包走人。一定要在宣讲过程随时准备好倾听客户的问题,及时解答。

6. Ask questions. 记得问问题喔!

As you deliver your sales pitch, it may become clearer to your customer that your product or service can help them. Ask questions during the pitch so that you can understand their needs better., Be ready to give them good answers to their questions that keep pushing them towards your product or service.

· Consult with the customer and asking questions about their interests and their past experience with similar products.


· 咨询客户,询问他们的意向,以及他们之前使用类似产品的经历。

Part 4 Quiz 第四部分小测

How can you engage with your potential customer? 如何吸引你的潜在客户参与进来

A. Ask questions. 问问题

B. Answer questions. 回答问题

C. Ask them to participate in demonstrations. 让他们参与展示

D. Maintain eye contact. 保持眼神接触

E. All of the above. 以上所有都可

Part 5 Closing your Pitch 第五部分 尾声

1. Outline the next steps for the buyer. 给买主爸爸下一步的提案

You have delivered your pitch and answered questions that your customer has. Now you need to give them some direction on the next steps to take. You may choose to schedule a follow-up meeting once they’ve had some time to think things over. You might give them a trial period to use your product. Above all, keep working at this relationship and don’t disappear from view.

· For example, if you are selling advertisement, you could end your pitch like this: “As you said, Mr. X, your company is looking for more brand awareness and new clients. Our marketing solutions will provide you with the brand awareness you are looking for. If you could allow me, I can run you through the procedure of advertising through us…” This is a simple, indirect way of asking, “Are you interested?”


· 举个例子来说,如果你在销售一款广告产品,你可能会这样结束你的推销:“正如您所说,X先生,贵司正在打造品牌知名度以及寻求更多的客户。我们所提供给您的品牌重塑市场解决方案正好契合您的需求。若您容许,我可以帮您快速浏览一遍我们给您打造的品牌推广方案。。。”这里言外之意就是,“不知您是否感兴趣呢?”

2. Negotiate with the customer. 与客户协商,这是个技术活哈哈

You may need to negotiate with your customer. If they have initially declined your product or service, you can help them get to a “yes” or even a “maybe” through negotiation. Think about giving them a sample or a trial period to use your product. Alternately, if you are selling them a service, offer a free or reduced cost for a trial period.


3. Accept rejection gracefully. 优雅接受拒绝

If the customer declines your product or service, and they do not change their mind even after you negotiate with them, then respect their decision. Accept the rejection gracefully and thank them for their time.


4. Get a referral. 老客户转介绍

This customer, if you’ve chosen a good representative from the industry, will likely have good contacts that will be worth exploring as other potential customers. This will build your network of contacts and get your name out there.


Part 5 Quiz 第五部分小测

What could you say at the end of a meeting where the client doesn’t seem very interested? 会议结束,客户似乎看上去不咋感兴趣时候你该怎么说?

A. “Would you be interested in a free trial period?” 给您产品试用您是否感兴趣?

B. “I really think you should reconsider.” 我真的认为您有必要再次考虑一下我们的产品。

C. “You’ll regret not having this service.” 不选我们,你会后悔的。

D. All of the above. 综上所有

Part 6 Following Up 第六部分后续跟进

1. Send a follow-up email to the customer within 24 hours.


Thank them for the meeting, regardless of its outcome. If you made plans for next steps, such as signing an NDA, getting a referral, or scheduling another meeting, include that in your email. If you offered to send them more information, make sure that you include it.


2. Adjust your pitch. 调整你的推销

Think about what worked and what didn’t, and make tweaks to your presentation or style accordingly. 想一下哪些地方做得好,哪些地方需要改进,对你的演讲进行微调或者相应的改变风格。

Part 6 Quiz 第六部分小测

True or False: Send a follow-up e-mail even if the client didn’t purchase your product or service.


True 对

False 错


不同行业有不同行业的推销方式,但大道理都差不多,很多人以为眼睛看到了就等于我会了,卖好产品或者服务真的需要在每个小细节上细细推敲,深深耕耘,希望大家都能在这个时期努力提高自己,时刻开心 ,一直发现美好和有趣。There are different ways of Pitching with different industries,but the basic rules are mostly similar, devote yourself heart and soul to do a good pitching with focusing on every details. During this Epidemic period, Hopefully all of you could try your best to improve yourself, keep smile and be happy, looking for the beauty and fun things all the time.





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杨文龙,微软Principal Engineering Manager, 曾在各家公司担任影像技术资深总监、数据科学团队资深经理、ADAS算法总监、资深深度学习工程师等职位,热爱创新发明,专注于人工智能、深度学习、图像处理、机器学习、算法、自然语言处理及软件等领域,目前发明有国际专利19篇,中国专利28篇。




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